Carrie Greaves

Carrie uses design to breathe life into marketing collateral and trade show materials for clients large and small. With many years of experience in graphic design, electronic production, and print production and management, she excels at delivering her clients’ projects on time and on budget.

People hire me for:  peace of mind

All-time favorite project:  helping Microsoft employees produce a gift for Bill Gates upon his retirement from Microsoft—a beautiful scrapbook with a handmade cover that, reportedly, was well received by Mr. Gates

If I didn’t do what I do, I would like to:  be a massage therapist

When I’m not working you can find me:  walking in the neighborhood with my dogs

Favorite words to live by:  Normal is not something to strive for.

Helpless in the face of:  sunshine

Favorite book:  Just Kids by Patti Smith

Favorite word:  Russell (my son)

Favorite sound:  birdsong

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