Jackie Mintz

Jackie reveres the well-chosen word and prizes proper punctuation. She writes. She edits. She proofreads. (She answers to the honorary title “Eagle eye.”) When ghostwriting, she is able to channel executives with very distinctive communication styles—a challenge she particularly enjoys. In general, Jackie tends to details while bringing elegance to the whole and takes pleasure in helping people say what they mean.

People hire me for:  sprucing up their writing

All-time favorite project:  proofreading a literary journal of Northwest-themed poetry and prose

If I didn’t do what I do, I would like to:  plan fabulous travel itineraries

When I’m not working you can find me:  enjoying the company of friends or planning family travel

Favorite words to live by:  First things first.

Helpless in the face of:  human resilience

Favorite book:  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Favorite word:  Can’t do it. It’s too much like choosing a favorite child.

Favorite sound:  my son and daughter laughing with each other

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